
Monday, December 30, 2013


*ahem* Excuse the so-called "trolling" in the title (relevant: But yeah, this will mark my first post on this blog and will hopefully lead to many more. I'm normally very proper in my language.

Anyways, depending on how I'm feeling at the time, I may occasionally post up some information here in regards to mods that I'm developing (some people already know about one such project) and might talk about my YouTube channel. Also, it will depend on how busy I am as I'm returning to college on January 6th. As to which college; duck you. (I kid, but I'm still not telling)

I'm going to try to keep the content of this blog to just development & videos, but no guarantee. I will have a "personal blog" on Tumblr at some point in the near future. If you want to learn, maybe, a little more about me, that'll be the place. It'll be linked in the sidebar once I've set it up.